
The late Kenshiro Abbe, founder of the system of Kyushindo, began working on his theory as far back as the 1940s. He had a clear vision of the ideas, based on universal laws and principles, which were due to revolutionise Budo. Judo was to benefit most as Abbe Sensei was first and foremost a Judoka of extraordinary ability. As with any discipline, basic fundamentals have to be taught correctly, for the learning and demonstration of any Kata, interaction between Uki and Tori has to be harmonious in body, mind and spirit. The part of Uki is equally as important as that of Tori, too often it is underestimated. Uki is performing for the benefit of Tori, to help hone the Kata to a high level of competence. Although the theory of Kyushindo is natural and simple many mistakes will be made. Because of this, the efforts of the student must be twofold, to listen to the teacher and practice a principle or technique until it becomes automatic. If we accept that the universe is in a constant state of flux, so we must accept the inevitable evolution of technique - Abbe Sensei knew this and wanted his teachers to preserve all his principles and theories. Many schools of Kyushindo still exist which claim to follow Abbe's theory. Most other organisations follow in part. This is good, because it helps to preserve the philosophy of Kyushin. Kyushin is a concept of Judo in which fundamental principles of motion are obeyed so that stiff postures are avoided and the best Judo achieved.

The three maxims of Kyushindo are:

  1. Banbutsu Ruten - all things in the universe undergo a succession of change
  2. Ritsu Do - rhythmic and flowing movement
  3. Cho-Wa - all things work and flow in perfect harmony.

Some schools interpret this in different ways; none of them wrong, something can be learnt from all styles; the presentation of Kyushin principles is what matters. It is vital that the teacher understands what is being taught if we are to preserve a system which has been left to us and which we believe to be right. If the teacher does not practice what he preaches the school will remain ordinary. No one fully appreciates the amount of work, thought and dedication, which Abbe Sensei and others have applied to the development, of the system. As long as any organisation has teachers of the highest level, true Budo systems will flourish and grow.

theory of Kyushindo is natural and simple many mistakes will be made.

©Copyright Tokushima Budo Council International2008

Kenshiro Abbe Founder Of Kyushindo

image of Kenshiro Abbe Docho. Founder of the philosophy of KyuShinDo.
Kenshiro Abbe (阿部 謙四郎 Abe Kenshiro, 15 December 1915 - 1 December 1985) was a prominent Japanese master of judo, aikido, and kendo. He introduced aikido to the United Kingdom in 1955, and founded the Kyushindo system.

Abbe was a graduate of the Budo Senmon Gakko, having studied judo (hachidan) and kendo (rokudan), and trained in aikido (rokudan) under its founder, Morihei Ueshibahe. He served in the Imperial Japanese Army before and during World War II, returning to Japan in 1964 where he stayed for the remainder of his life.